Even a well-maintained car will have problems eventually. Before car problems happen it will manifest warning signs. Here are just some of the more common motorcycle problems:
Braking problem. The brake system of any vehicle should be in good working condition to have safe and reliable transportation. This is one of the most common motorcycle repairs done by mechanics. For brake drums, check it for wear & tear. If it is old, change it. You should monitor the brake pads regularly. More braking means the pads will get hotter and expand more which can result in poor braking.
In disk brakes, first of all check for the hydraulic fuel, whether its reaching the drums properly. Use only recommended fuel. Also check the buckets in the levers. Give the break shoes a regular checking.
Tire wear. Checking your tires regularly is an important step in protecting your safety and your motorcycle. Because of the frequent use, it can be damaged by nail punctures, or other debris, or when they are worn out over time, or from excessive use, they need to be repaired or replaced. Also, tire checkup is helpful to reduce wear downs and to prolong the tires.
Poorly lubricated chains. A properly lubricated chain is important. It can prevent the chain from snapped, or binding and locking of the drive train, which could lead to engine damage or cause you to have a major accident.
Periodic checkup and maintenance help achieve optimal driving experience. Knowing common motorcycle problems and repairs will help you avoid major issues, and be prepared when they do happen. Get help from an expert mechanic to make sure the job is done right.